Serengeti Wildebeest

Planning for Serengeti Wildebeest migration, Tree climbing lions, adventure to Tanzania including the visit to the Ngorongoro craters ? Bamba Tours is your right solution.

Day 1: Arusha – Tarangire National Park

You will picked up from the hotel in arusha by the Bamba Tours tour guide and transfer After Tarangire National Park the well-known destination for spotting tree climbing lions in Tanzania while on a wildlife Safari holiday and arrive at the lodge and after go for the simple Game Drive till in the evening hours. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight at Sun bright Camp. On B.L.D

Day 2: Serengeti National Park

0900 hrs: After breakfast to Serengeti National Park and check with en route game drive with picnic lunch. Covering 14,763 sq km of endlessly rolling Savannah plains, the Serengeti is Tanzania’s first established, largest and most famous park wherein tens of thousands of hoofed animals roam in a constant and unremitting search for the fresh grasslands upon which Their survival depends.

The million plus wildebeest are the predominant herbivore and also the main prey of a huge cast of large carnivores, principally lion and hyena. Whilst the annual migration is the Serengeti’s most famous attraction, the Park is also renowned for its lion, many of which have been fitted with radio transmitter collars so that their movements may be tracked, and additionally for its wealth of cheetah, zebra, giraffe, Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelle, eland, impala, klipspringer, hippo and warthog. Dinner and overnight at Seronera campsite on B.L.D Ngorongoro Conservation Area Tanzania

Day 3: Serengeti – Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Morning game drive in Serengeti National Park, one of the world’s most famous wildlife reserves. The Serengeti, which Is Maasai name’/Siringet’/translates as the endless Plains’, offers unparalleled ornithological Opportunities and an unrivalled natural arena wherein the glory and harmony of nature can be appreciated as nowhere else on earth, After lunch drive to Ngorongoro for Dinner and overnight at Simba public camp site. on B.L.D

Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater

This morning you will descend into the Ngorongoro Crater with a packed lunch to give you maximum wildlife viewing time. ‘the eighth wonder of the world’ the *Ngorongoro Crater*is one of Africa’s best-known wildlife arenas.
A World Heritage Site, it is also one of the largest volcanic crater in the world (almost 20 kilometers wide, 610-760 meters deep and covering a total area of 264 square kilometers). An utterly unique biosphere, the Crater harbors grasslands, swamps, forests, saltpans, a fresh water lake and a various variety of wildlife, all enclosed within its towering walls. Picnic lunch on the crater floor.

After lunch ascend to the rim of the crater and drive back Arusha and drop off at your hotel