The approach to Entebbe airport over the string of tiny islets scattered through the iridescent waters of Lake Victoria is breathtakingly spectacular.
Accommodation in Entebbe TBA


As soon as we leave the hotel, we are immediately plunged into the luxuriant, eternally green vegetation of equatorial Africa.The road follows the banks of Lake Victoria until we reach Kampala, and then splits off, heading east into the mountainside tea plantations and sugar cane fields. Further on is the enormous lake, where a majestic river embarks upon its long journey to the sea: this is the source of the Nile, the goal of all such journeys of discovery. It is a deeply moving moment.A little further north of Bujagali an enormous volume of water passes through a jagged gorge forming spectacular rapids and waterfalls.Accommodation in Jinja


We return to Kampala, “Hill of the Impalas” in Luganda. Kampala is the capital city of Uganda with over 1 million inhabitants, and has an architectural style that reflects the diverse ethnic origins of its population. There are Mosques with their minarets pointing to the sky and Sikh temples flaunting their decadent sculptures, while the Roman Catholic cathedral displays an airy façade and the Anglican Church brings back memories of Victorian propriety. On the road out of the city in a popular quarter on a hillside are the Tombs of Kasubi.
They are on the site of an ancient royal palace and are the burial tombs of 4 Bagandan kings who have stamped their authority on local history over the last hundred years. This large straw hut with its sacred wall is the most important monument in Uganda. Here we familiarize ourselves with the traditions and costumes of the great Ugandan tribe. As we drive on the fields of banana trees and yams slowly give way to other crops such as maize and cassava which do not need so much water.
Having now left the tarmac road, we pass the vast cattle farms where long-horned cattle drink from scarce water holes.Accommodation in Masindi


The meanders of the great river Nile and its impressive waterfalls, the grasses of the plains and tree-covered hills, the indigenous rainforest and the Borassus palm trees, the lake shores and the marshlands of the delta, make this park one of wild natural beauty.Murchison Falls It is a place whose fauna makes it increasingly more important to conservationists. At Kanyo Pabidi, as we enter the Budongo forest we get our first glimpse of the chimpanzees. The Kabalega Waterfalls are undeniably one of the most remarkable sights in the park. They were named after a Munyoro chief who put up fierce resistance to the European explorers and the Sudanese slave traders looking for the source of the White Nile. Here the river makes a path across a narrow gorge and unleashes hundreds of gallons of water over the edge of a 43m high precipice. Further on the Nile will quietly rejoin the vast waters of Lake Albert.What a striking contrast. We take to the water in a boat to get a closer look at the waterfalls and to enjoy a unique opportunity to observe the thousands of vibrantly coloured birds, herds of buffalo at the water’s edge and crocodiles sunbathing on the riverbanks. The Ugandan Cob is the most commonly seen antelope; the Hartebeest and Oribi are also common. Among the thousands of birds, we must mention the Abyssinian Hornbill and the rare Shoebill Stork.We also cross the Nile by boat to the lakeside area, watering hole for elephant and Rothschild Giraffe.Accommodation in the Park


At the park exit, accessible only by a small narrow strip of land in the middle of the papyrus reeds on the huge delta, is the village home of the Waseko fishermen. Here the people live in tune with the rhythm of their spoils in the waterways with their changing currents at the mercy of the floodwaters and the wind. Water is omnipresent. On the market place there is an incredible display of merchandise for sale, often to Congolese smugglers.Freshly caught fish is smoked on large open metal racks. Moving into the eastern part of the Rift Valley we come to Lake Albert and its coastal fringes where flocks of small zebu are tended by the proud Alur herdsmen, while their women tend the fields of cassava and cotton or rebuild the thatch on their spacious huts.
At Butiaba, previously an extremely active lakeside port, a narrow tongue of land flanked by Borassus palm trees pushes into the lake to the warm water.What an idyllic spot! Further on the road negotiates the cliffs of the escarpment and crosses the fertile agricultural area growing sweet potatoes and tobacco.
Accommodation in Hoima


Today we make the acquaintance of deepest Uganda, whose countryside and villages are accessed on a laterite slope. From Hoima to Fort Portal, the landscape is mainly high plateaus and valleys, at the bottom of some, rivers have evaporated into wet marshlands.
Several villages of economic importance cling to the slopes and act as trading places for villagers who often have to carry their harvest on their backs.
It is an area supporting mainly agriculture and cattle grazing. Further south the tea plantations display their resplendent green carpet as far as the eye can see. Once we branch off at Kyenjojo, the landscape becomes more tortuous as we reach the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains, whose snow-capped peaks we can see in the distance. At Kasese we cross the equator and enter the large open plains of the Queen Elizabeth National Park.
Accommodation in the park


This magnificent park in the middle of the Rift Valley encompasses Lake Edward and Lake George, which are joined by the natural waterway of the Kazinga Canal, which we explore by boat. Extinct volcanoes, crater lakes, marshes and savannah grassland support the different eco-systems within the park.
More than 500 different species of birds have been counted, a great number of them in the shallows or following buffalo and elephant. On the hills invaded by euphorbia, large herds of Ugandan Cob, Topi and Forest Hog are commonly seen. The huge fig trees of the Kyambura Gorge provide a safe refuge for families of Chimpanzee.
Accommodation in the park


Here the grass-covered hills are pastures for the remarkable flocks belonging to the Banyankole tribe. The enclosed valleys are filled with a mixture of banana and coffee plantations.Once past Kabale the busy commercial centre, the countryside offers us an unbelievable palette of green, from the blue-green of the eucalyptus trees which divide this tapestry into a multitude of tiny pieces, and the deep green of the cypress trees that line the slopes, to the light green of the paddy fields at the bottom of the sheltered valleys. As we come round the bend in the dirt road we are afforded the most magnificent view of the whole volcano chain of the Virunga Mountains. At Kisoro, the lava road splits and we head towards the Rwandan border.


As the first light of dawn breaks through the curtain of mist clinging to the summits of Karisimbi, Bisoke, Sabyinyo, Gahinga and Muhabura, we make our way into the Volcanoes National Park.
Tracking the gorillas through the unique vegetation can take several hours of challenging walking in wet and muddy conditions. Seeing a gorilla makes the trek worth the hardship. In the late afternoon drive to Rubavu, a small town located on the northern shore of Lake Kivu.
Accommodation on the lakeshore


Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the lakeshore or a refreshing early morning swim. After a wholesome breakfast, leave the gleaming waters of Lake Kivu and journey back to Kigali, through the beautiful countryside of the ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’.
Transfer to the airport or at any destination in Kigali city.


The 3 Day Safaris in Queen Elizabeth Start and end in kampala. During this short safari you’ll experience some of the best of what Uganda has to offer, with animals of the savanna and primates of the forest. You’ll see elephants, Hippos, kobs, warthogs, buffaloes, hippos and search for lions as well as trek chimpanzees in Kalinzu forest. If you are short on time this is a great option for getting a lot out of your safari.

Tour Itinerary

Day 1: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park

After Breakfast at 8:00 am our driver will pick you at your Hotel in kampala and Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park safari. Make a stop for photos at the Equator Line. Continue on through villages with cultivated areas until the lush green tea estates in a rich green belt before you reach the escarpment with magnificent endless views over Queen Elizabeth national park. You will have lunch either along the way or at the lodge, depending on the time.

Day 2: Game drives and boat cruising on Kazinga channel

Have an early morning breakfast then go for a morning game Safari within the park. Anticipate to see the famous big five including Buffalos, elephants, Lions and other mammals like Giant forest hog, Bush bucks, Kobs, Hyenas and water bucks. In the afternoon hours you will get ready for a launch cruise along Kazinga channel. You will appreciate the high scores of Elephants, Hippos, Buffalos and crocodiles. A number of bird species will also be seen along including the rare shoe bill. After Boat tour you will go for a short Evening game Drive, then transfer you back to the Lodge, take your Dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Chimp trekking in kalinzu forest & transfer to Kampala

Have a very early morning breakfast and head to Kalinzu Forest for Chimpanzee tracking to meet man’s closet cousins in the wild. You will be amazed to see these primates as they play, swing on tree branches, fight for food etc. Later embark on an exciting road trip back to Kampala (Lunch en route), arriving late evening and drop you at your hotel.

10 Days Uganda Gorilla & Wildlife Safari

Seeking a Ugandan safaris to visit mountain Gorillas & track chimpanzee in Kibale national Park. Select 10 Days/9 nights Uganda primate tour to adventure several national parks of Uganda like Murchison falls National park,kibale Forest, Queen Elizabeth & Bwindi Forest national park with relaxation at Lake Bunyonyi in southwestern Uganda with the experienced tour guide from Bamba Tours

Day 1: Kampala-Murchison Falls National Park

Have breakfast early in the morning hours, After be joined by the tour Guide, to start off the drive to Murchison falls national park with the en-route stop over at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for Rhino tracking and then have your lunch, then drive to Murchison falls and visit the top of the falls and here you can experience the water flow into the gorge.
Transfer to Paraa lodge/Chobe Lodge/Murchison River Lodge/Fort Murchison Camp for dinner and overnight.

Day 2: Game drive & Boat Ride

Have breakfast, and thereafter take dawn game drive looking for the African wildlife species like the lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, warthogs, giraffes, water and bush buck and much more.
Return to lodge for lunch, thereafter take boat cruise to the top of the falls and on this boat cruise expect to have clear view some wildlife and birds along the bank of the River Nile. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight, meal plan.

Day 3: Murchison falls- Kibale forest

Have breakfast, after leave Murchison Fall national park and then transfer to Kibale forest national park with the fabled view of the mountain of the moon.Lunch en-route at Hoima resort hotel or Kontiki hotel and then drive to fort portal for your dinner and overnight at Kyaninga lodge/Ndali lodge/Kibale primate lodge/Kibale safari lodge/Kibale forest camp.Murchison Falls National park Uganda

Day 4: Chimpanzee trekking & Bigodi walk

Have breakfast, after transfer to the forest searching for the chimpanzee in the forest and on this walk expect to spot other primates like the white and black Columbus, Vervet monkey, manageably.
Return to lodge for lunch, after in the evening go for the Bigodi walk and on this walk with chance expect to spot the rare shoe bill, sitatunga and other primates. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

Have breakfast, after embark the safari vehicle and transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park and upon arrival have your check in and then lunch, after in the evening drive to the crater lakes to have the unforgettable view of the undulating valley. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight, meal plan: F/B

Day 6: Game drive & Cruise, Visit the top of falls

Have breakfast, and thereafter take dawn game drive looking for the African wildlife species like the lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, warthogs, water and bush buck and much more.Return to lodge for lunch, thereafter take boat cruise along the Kazinga channel that connects Lake George to Lake Edward, and over this cruise expect to spot the wildlife and birds at the banks of the channel. Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight, Meal plan: F/B

Day 7: Transfer to Bwindi Forest National Park

Have breakfast, and thereafter embark the safari vehicle and transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park via the Ishasha sector with the chance you will spot the tree climbing lions in the branches of the fig trees and on this game drive you will spot more other wildlife species.Thereafter transfer to the lodge for dinner and overnight at Mahogany springs, Buhoma lodge, Volcanoes lodge, Gorilla forest camp. Meal plan: F/B

Day 8: Uganda Gorilla Trekking-Lake Bunyonyi

Have breakfast, after transfer to the park head offices for the briefing about the mountain gorillas and the park, thereafter enter into the forest for searching the mountain gorillas.When you meet them take photos and the videos, have your packed lunch and after the 1 hour allowed to stay with the gorillas transfer back to the park offices for your gorilla trekking certificate. Thereafter drive to Lake Bunyonyi and then to Bunyonyi resort/Lake Bunyonyi Arcadia for dinner and overnight, meal plan: F/B

Day 9: Lake Bunyonyi

Have breakfast from your lodge and thereafter take the boat cruise visiting the beautiful dotted islands experiencing the various birds on these islands as well as the people staying on these islands.
Return to lodge for lunch, and then spend the evening experiencing the Batwa cultural performances. Return to lodge for dinner and overnight, meal plan: F/B

Day 10: Transfer to Kampala/Entebbe

Have breakfast, and thereafter transfer back to Kampala with your lunch en-route, after transfer to the airport for your flight departure.

End of 10 Days/9 nights Uganda Gorilla & Wildlife Safari with Bamba Tours.

Detailed Itinerary

20 Days Wildlife and Hiking safari Tour in Uganda and Rwanda.

Day 1: Transfer to Jinja – zip lining

Our guide will pick you up from your hotel in Entebbe/Kampala at around 8am and then transfer to Lugazi. From Lugazi town you will drive off the main road to Mabira forest where ziplining is done.
The guides will get you ready in your harnesses and helmets and then walk to the start of the activity. Zipling here is done in Mabira forest where you will be moving from one tree to another (the trees are between 30-40 meters tall).You will move through 5 lines and as you do the activity, you will expect to see some monkeys that live in the forest and various bird species. The activity will take between 6-7 hours. After the activity, you will transfer to Jinja. Check in at 2 friend’s guest house where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 2: Visit the source of river Nile and transfer to Mbale

After breakfast at the guesthouse, you will take a boat on river Nile to the source. As you cruise, you will expect to spot various bird species that live in the bushes around the river. You will then return to the guesthouse for lunch and then transfer to Mbale. Check in at Mbale resort hotel where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 3: Transfer to sipi falls and Mount Elgon

After breakfast at the hotel, you will drive to start of the sipi falls hike. The sipi falls is comprised of 3 waterfalls each flowing from a different altitude.The highest fall drops from an altitude of 100m referred to as the main fall since it is the last fall in the series, this fall is a little bigger than the other two falls, but all give Uganda a beautiful scenery. In fact most people say that sipi falls are the ‘most romantic falls’ in Uganda which is evidenced by the wonderful falls.This area is majorly where most hikes to Mt. Elgon are started from. Hiking up to these falls gives a beautiful scenic view, like Lake Kyoga, the karamoja low lands, coffee plantations and other surrounding areas. You will then descend and then transfer to Mount Elgon. Check in at kapkwai UWA bandas where you will have dinner and spend the night.
Zip Lining in Uganda at Mabira Forest

Day 4: Nature walk and hike to waterfalls

After breakfast at the bandas, you will do a nature walk through the Mount Elgon national park tropical forests which are in the lower altitudes of the mountain. The walk will take around 4-5 hours and will lead you to some of the waterfalls in the park. As you move through the forest, you will expect to spot some bird species that live in the forests, plant species and also have beautiful views of the surrounding environment. You will then descend to the base, have lunch. Dinner and overnight as above.

Day 5: Transfer to pian upe game reserve with after evening game drive

After breakfast at the bandas, you will transfer to pian upe game reserve. Check in at the UWA bandas and have lunch. Later in the evening you will go for a game drive through the reserve, there various trails to follow as you drive. The Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is a conservation area in the Karamoja sub region of northeastern Uganda. It is the second largest conservation protected area in Uganda. Most of the reserve is covered by undisturbed grassland and wooded grassland. Small areas of riverine woodland, kopjes also exist.
Some land is cultivated, and especially the area near the Greek River is threatened by conversion. The area once supported healthy populations of lions, elephants, black rhinos and giraffes, these are now locally extinct. Some of the animals that live in the reserve include; Carnivores; Jackals, Civets, Spotted hyenas, Leopards, Cheetah. Primates; Vervet monkeys, Patas monkeys, Olive baboons. Ungulates; Topi, Cape buffalo, eland, Roan antelope, Blue and common duIker, dIk-dIk, Waterbuck, Ugandan kob, mountain reebuck, porcupine, Hare among many others.The park is a home to various savannah bird species like ostriches. As you drive through the reserve, you will expect to see some of these animals. Dinner and overnight at the UWA bandas.

Day 6: Morning game drive and transfer to Moroto

After breakfast, you will take an early morning game drive through the reserve where you will expect to see animals like; cheetahs, buffalos, hyenas, waterbucks, kobs, porcupine, dik dik and various bird species that live in the reserve.This activity will take you around 4 hours and then transfer to Moroto. Check in at karatunga guest house where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 7: Hike mount Moroto and bush camping

After breakfast at the guest house, you will drive to mount Moroto hike starting point. Mount Moroto Lies in the extreme east of Uganda and is the most accessible place to see some of the dry northeastern “special”, many at the western edge of their ranges here in Karamoja province.One of a chain of volcanoes along the Kenyan border that begins with Mount Elgon in south and includes Mountains Kadam and Morungole, Moroto is a forest reserve protecting a range of habitats from arid thorn savanna to dry montane forest. Although a long hike is required to reach the higher areas, excellent arid thorn savanna and rocky slopes are accessible from the town at the foot of the mountain.You will start the hike to the top of the mountain through the savannah vegetation where you will expect to see some monkey species and bird species that live in the will also have beautiful views of the Moroto highlands and the surrounding vegetation. The hike to the top, will take you around 6-7 hours. You will then your tents, have dinner and spend the night.

Day 8: Transfer to Kidepo valley and evening game drive

You will take up to the beautiful scenery of the Moroto highlands, have breakfast and then take photos. You will then descend the mountain, this will take about 3 hours. You will then transfer to Kidepo valley national park in Kaabong.This drive will take you around 4 hours. Check in at UWA bandas where you will have your accommodation. Later in the evening, you will do a game drive around the park where you will expect to see animals and birds.Kidepo valley national park covers an area of 1442square kilometers and is a haitat to about 86 mammal species including spotted hyena, lion, cheetah, leopard, wild dog, elephant, giraffe, zebra, African buffalo, bat-eared foxes, Rothschild’s giraffe — as well as almost 500 bird species. Dinner and overnight at the UWA bandas.

Day 9: Game drive

After breakfast at the bandas, you will go for an early morning game drive through the park. Most of the game drive in the park is done in the narus valley where most of the animals come in search for water and pasture.
Some of the animals you will expect to see include; elephants, lions, buffalo, cheetah, leopard, waterbucks, eland, zebra, giraffes, dik dik, kobs, among many others, and various bird species like the Kori bustard, Abyssinian ground hornbill, secretary bird, ostrich, carmine, yellow-billed and Jackson’s hornbills among others.The activity will take you between 4-6 hours. Return to the bandas, have lunch and rest the rest of the day. Dinner and overnight at the bandas.

Day 10: Hike to the Ik people

After breakfast at the bandas, you will drive for about an hour to the morungule hike starting point. You will then start the hike to the Ik community who stay in the morungole highlands. The hike will take about 5-6 hours or even more depending on the hikers speed and fitness, it’s a full day activity.The Ik people are an ethnic group numbering about 10,000 people living in the mountains of northeastern Uganda near the border with Kenya, next to the more populous Karamojong and Turkana peoples. The Ik were displaced from their land to create the Kidepo Valley National Park and consequently suffered extreme famine.You will reach the Ik community and learn about their culture which is so interesting. When you visit the community, it is good to support the community by buying their locally made crafts or even donate some things like clothes, soap, sugar, salt and other things to them. This will make them appreciate tourism in their region. You will then descend and transfer back to the UWAbandas where you will refresh, have dinner and spend the night.

Day 11: Transfer to Murchison falls National Park

After breakfast at the UWA bandas, you will check out and then transfer to Murchison falls national park. The drive will take you around 7-8 hours with a stopover in Gulu for lunch.Murchison falls national park covers an area of 3,893 square kilometers and is managed by the Uganda wildlife authority, and is divided by the Victoria Nile. Murchison falls conservation area and the adjacent Bugondo Forest Reserve have 76 species of mammals as well as Uganda’s largest population of Nile crocodiles.450 bird species are present ranging from easy variety of water birds, including the rare shoe-billed stork, Budongo’s 59 “restricted range” species, dwarf kingfisher, Goliath heron, white-thighed hornbill and great blue turaco. Check in at red chili camp, where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 12: Game drive – visit to the top of the falls

After breakfast at the camp, you will go for an early morning game drive in the park. There are various trails in the park to follow when driving and you will expect to spot animals like; elephants, lions, leopards, buffalos, waterbucks, hyenas, dik dik, giraffes, elands, zebra, kobs, jacksons hartebeests, among others.
You will also expect to spot some savannah birds like ostrich, dwarf kingfisher, Goliath heron, white-thighed hornbill, African fish eagle, among others. The activity will take you about 4-6 hours depending on how long you would wish to drive around. You will return to the camp for lunch and then drive to the top of the magnificent Murchison falls national park. Dinner and overnight at the camp.

Day 13: Transfer to kibale forest National Park

After breakfast at the camp, you will then transfer to kibale forest national park, a journey that will take you between 6-7 hours with a stopover along the way for lunch.Kibale National Park is a national park in Western Uganda, protecting moist evergreen rain forest. It is 766 square kilometres in size and is located between 1,100 metres to 1,600 metres in elevation.Despite encompassing primarily moist evergreen forest, it contains a diverse array of landscapes. There are 13 species of primates in Kibale National Park. The park protects several well-studied habituated communities of common chimpanzee, as well as several species of Central African monkey including the Uganda mangabey, the Ugandan red colobus and the L’Hoest’s monkey, the black-and-white colobus and the blue monkey. Other terrestrial mammals that are found within Kibale National Park include red and blue duikers, bushbucks, sitatungas, bushpigs, giant forest hogs, common warthogs, and African buffalo among others. The park is a home to about 325 bird species.
You will then check in at Isunga lodge where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 14: Chimpanzee tracking and transfer to queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast at the lodge, you will drive to the park headquarters where you will be briefed by the park guide about the park, and the activity (do’s and don’ts when tracking). You will then start the trek in the forest with the park guide. The trek will take about 4-6 hours depending on where the chimps will be that day.
As you trek the chimps, you will expect to see other primates that live in the park and various forest bird species. You will expect to spot the chimps jumping from one tree to another as they go about their daily activities. Unlike the gorillas, you will have to move with the chimps as you track them because you will not find them in one place. You will then return to the lodge, have lunch, check out and then transfer to Queen Elizabeth national park.The drive to queen Elizabeth will take you around 2-3 hours. Check in at bush lodge where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 15: Game drive and transfer to Bwindi impenetrable National Park

After breakfast at the lodge, you will do an early morning game drive around the park where you will expect to see animals like; lions, elephants, buffalos, waterbucks, kobs, warthogs, leopard, among others as well as various bird species. The activity will take you about 4 hours. You will then return to the lodge, have lunch and then check out. Transfer to Bwindi impenetrable national park.Check in at gorilla mist camp where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 16: Gorilla trekking and transfer to Mgahinga National Park

After breakfast at the lodge, you will drive to the park headquarters (depending on the sector you will be tracking), have a briefing about the activity by the park guide and also have your permits verified.
You will then start the trek through the thick tropical forests to look for the gentle giants. The trek will take between 4-6hours depending on where the gorillas will be that day and as you move, you will expect to spot some monkeys and different bird species that live in the forest.You will be given an hour to see the gorillas as they go about their daily life, and also take photos. You will then return to the lodge, have lunch and check out. Transfer to kisoro, check in at travelers rest hotel where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 17: Hike Sabyinyo Mountain and transfer to Rwanda

After breakfast at the hotel you will drive to Mgahinga national park headquarters where you will be briefed by the park guide about the park and the hike which will take you about 5 hours to reach the top.
You will then start the hike, as you hike, you will expect to spot some monkey and bird species that live in the park. The hike is so tiresome but also so rewarding. The top of the mountain will meet you with beautiful views of the Virunga massif, you will spot some of the mountains of the Virunga.You will then descend back to the base where the guide will be waiting for you and then transfer back to the hotel, refresh and transfer to volcanoes national park where you will cross the Uganda-Rwanda border. Check in at Da Vinci Lodge where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 18: Golden monkey tracking in Volcanoes National Park

After breakfast at the lodge, you will drive to volcanoes national park headquarters where you will be briefed by the park guide about the activity and also have your trekking permits verified. You will then drive to the trekking starting point where you will start the activity through some tree plantations to the tropical forest area of the Virunga forest. The activity takes about 3 hours. You will expect to see the monkeys jumping from one bamboo tree to another as they go about their daily life. Some fitness level is requires because you will be moving with the monkeys. You will then transfer back to the lodge.

Day 19: Relaxing in the cold weather of Volcanoes National Park

You will have a late breakfast at the lodge and then relax around as you enjoy the cold weather of the area. All meals at the lodge. You might decide to go to ibiwacyu cultural village where you will learn about the Kinyarwanda culture and traditions. And if you are a couple, you will have a chance to participate in the traditional marriage. Overnight at the lodge.

Day 20: Transfer to Kigali with a city tour and drop at Kigali airport

After a late breakfast at the lodge, you will transfer to Kigali a distance of about 3 hours. When in Kigali, you will do a city tour and also visit the Kigali genocide museum where you will learn about the Rwanda genocide that claimed the lives of many Rwandans. You will also visit a massive grave where some of the people are buried. The guide will then drop you at your hotel in Kigali or at the airport for your flight back home.